Stowarzyszenie „Szkoły dla Pokoju”

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Stowarzyszenie „Szkoły dla Pokoju” zostało zarejestrowane w 2002 roku i ma na celu podejmowanie i rozwijanie inicjatyw, postaw i działań na rzecz zapewnienia edukacji dzieciom i kształcenia dorosłych z regionów dotkniętych biedą i zacofaniem, które ze względów ekonomicznych, politycznych czy kulturowych zostały pozbawione możliwości zdobywania wiedzy.

Od 2002 roku stowarzyszenie pomaga afgańskim szkołom i uniwersytetom zapewniając im podręczniki do nauki języka angielskiego, artykuły papiernicze, komputery, drukarki i maszyny do pisania. Podczas zimy organizuje zbiórki odzieży i butów, które pomagają Afgańczykom przetrwać srogie mrozy. Obecnie Szkoły dla Pokoju aktywnie współpracują z polskimi żołnierzami w Ghazni.

Polska Akcja Humanitarna

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Polska Akcja Humanitarna prowadziła swoją misję w Afganistanie od czerwca 2002 do stycznia 2010 roku. Biuro misji mieściło się w Kabulu, zatrudniało pracowników polskich oraz lokalnych. W tym okresie pracownicy misji zrealizowali wiele różnych projektów, które w znacznym stopniu przyczyniły się do poprawy poziomu dostępu do edukacji mieszkańców Kabulu. PAH przeprowadził projekt odbudowy i częściowego wyposażenia Średniej Szkoły Muzyczno-Plastycznej, Średniej Zawodowej Szkoły Rolniczej w Kabulu oraz budowy toalet w kabulskim kompleksie szkół Maulana Abdulqader Bidel. Pod koniec 2006 roku PAH zakończył budowę szkoływ miejscowości Koko Kheil oraz zbudował 8 studni w prowincji Kapisa. Ponadto pracownicy przeprowadzili wiele szkoleń zawodowych dla dzieci i młodzieży w dwóch kabulskich sierocińcach oraz kursy dla urzędników.

Relacje polsko-afgańskie

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Historia stosunków polsko-afgańskich zaczyna się od oficjalnego podpisania traktatu przyjaźni pomiędzy Polską i Afganistanem w 1927 roku.


"Pomiędzy Najjaśniejszą Rzeczypospolitą Polską a Królestwem Afganistańskim Podpisany w Angorze dnia 3 listopada 1927 r.
Zgodnie z postanowieniami art. IV Traktatu wszedł on w życie w dniu 15 maja 1928 r.
Tekst został opublikowany w Dzienniku Ustaw 1928 r. Nr 55, poz. 523.
Prezydent Najjaśniejszej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z jednej strony i Jego Królewska Mość Król Afganistanu z drugiej,
- w równym stopniu pragnąc ustanowić węzły przyjaźni pomiędzy Najjaśniejszą
Rzeczypospolitą Polską i Królestwem Afganistańskim,
- w przeświadczeniu, że wzmocnienie tych stosunków, opartych bytu ich odnośnych Narodów,
- zgodzili się na zawarcie Traktatu Przyjaźni i w tym celu mianowali swymi
Prezydent Najjaśniejszej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej:
Pana Józefa Wierusza-Kowalskiego, Doktora Filozofii, Posła Nadzwyczajnego i Ministra Pełnomocnego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Angorze,
Jego Ekscelencję Generała Gulami Djailani Chana, Posła Nadzwyczajnego i Ministra Pełnomocnego Afganistanu w Angorze,
Którzy, po okazaniu sobie swych pełnomocnictw, uznanych za dobre i należyte co do formy, zgodzili się na następujące postanowienia;                                   

Artykuł I

Niezmącony pokój i wieczysta przyjaźń trwać będą między Najjaśniejszą Rzecząpospolitą Polską a Królestwem Afganistańskim oraz pomiędzy obywatelami obydwóch Państw.

Artykuł II

Wysokie Umawiające się Strony wyrażają zgodę na ustanowienie stosunków dyplomatycznych pomiędzy obu Państwami zgodnie z zasadami prawa narodów. Zgadzają się one, że przedstawiciele dyplomatyczni każdej z Nich oraz personel Ich poselstw, których skład ustalony zostanie później za wspólną zgodą, korzystać będą, pod warunkiem wzajemności i immunitetów zgonie z międzynarodowym prawem publicznym.

Artykuł III

Wysokie Umawiające się Strony wyrażają zgodę na zawarcie Traktatu Handlowego i Konwencji Konsularnej w terminie najkrótszym.

Artykuł IV

Niniejszy traktat będzie ratyfikowany i dokumenty ratyfikacyjne zostaną wymienione w Angorze w terminie możliwie najkrótszym.
Wejdzie on w życie piętnastego dnia po wymianie dokumentów ratyfikacyjnych.

Artykuł V

Niniejszy Traktat zredagowany będzie w dwóch egzemplarzach w każdym z języków: polskim, perskim i francuskim.
W razie różnicy zdań, tekst francuski będzie miarodajny.
Na dowód czego odnośni Pełnomocnicy podpisali niniejszy Traktat i przyłożyli doń swoje pieczęcie.
Sporządzono w podwójnym egzemplarzu w Angorze, dnia 3 listopada (12 godz.) 1927r."

Do pobrania oryginalna wersja w języku polskim i francuskim.



23 października 2002 roku, przebywający z wizytą oficjalną w Środkowo-Południowej Azji, prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Aleksander Kwaśniewski, udał się z wizytą roboczą do Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu.  
W Kabulu, po ceremonii oficjalnego powitania, prezydent RP spotkał się z prezydentem Afganistanu Hamidem Karzajem. Po zakończeniu rozmów prezydenci Polski i Afganistanu wystąpili na wspólnej konferencji prasowej, podkreślając przede wszystkim potrzebę rozszerzania stosunków afgańsko - polskich. Prezydent Aleksander Kwaśniewski podkreślił także, że jego wizyta w Kabulu jest wyrazem poparcia dla procesu przemian, polityki prowadzonej przez prezydenta Hamida Karzaja i trudnej drogi odbudowy Afganistanu. "Moja wizyta jest wyrazem poparcia dla procesu przemian, jaki dokonuje się w Afganistanie, dla polityki prezydenta Karzaja, dla trudnej drogi odbudowy państwa, zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa oraz włączenia Afganistanu do współpracy międzynarodowej" - powiedział prezydent RP. Zapowiedział, że Polska czynnie włączy się w odbudowę Afganistanu, zniszczonego trwającą 23 lata wojną.

Po spotkaniu prezydentem Karzajem, Aleksander Kwaśniewski odwiedził w Kabulu odbudowywaną przez Polską Akcję Humanitarną szkolę muzyczno - artystyczną. Po zakończeniu pobytu w Kabulu prezydent RP udał się do bazy Bagram, gdzie spotkał się z polskimi żołnierzami, uczestniczącymi w misji koalicji antyterrorystycznej i przeprowadził rozmowę z dowódcą tych sił, amerykańskim generałem Danem McNeillem. Prezydent Kwaśniewski podkreślił, że naczelny dowódca sił antyterrorystycznych przekazał mu bardzo dobre opinie o polskim kontyngencie. "To co robicie jest godne najwyższego szacunku" - powiedział prezydent RP zwracając się do polskich żołnierzy.



26 czerwca 2003 roku, na zaproszenie prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Aleksandra Kwaśniewskiego, z wizytą oficjalną przybył do Polski prezydent Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu, J.E. Hamid Karzaj.
Po ceremonii oficjalnego powitania na dziedzińcu Pałacu Prezydenckiego, odbyło się spotkanie obu prezydentów w wąskim gronie, a następnie prezydenci objęli przewodnictwo rozmów plenarnych z udziałem delegacji Polski i Afganistanu.
Podczas konferencji prasowej prezydenci wygłosili krótkie oświadczenia. Zwracając się do zebranych prezydent RP Aleksander Kwaśniewski powiedział "Ta wizyta ma szczególny charakter, dlatego iż odbywa się po bardzo wielu latach. Ostatnia wizyta szefa państwa afgańskiego w Warszawie miała miejsce w roku 1928 i cieszę się, że dzisiaj możemy spotkać się ponownie żeby podkreślić, iż nasze związki nie tylko mają charakter historyczny, ale mają również swój współczesny wymiar. Ten współczesny wymiar to jest przede wszystkim obecność Polski w Afganistanie, polskich żołnierzy, polskich specjalistów, organizacji pozarządowych. Usłyszałem bardzo wiele pozytywnych opinii o ich działalności i obiecałem Panu Prezydentowi Karzajowi, że będziemy kontynuować naszą pracę na rzecz stabilizacji Afganistanu, na rzecz pokoju w całym regionie Azji Środkowej.
Rozmawialiśmy również o naszych kontaktach dwustronnych, stwierdzając, że spotkania na szczeblu prezydenckim są bardzo ważnym początkiem nowego rozdziału. We wrześniu ubiegłego roku miałem okazję przebywać w Kabulu i w Bagram. Pan Prezydent Karzaj dzisiaj jest w Warszawie, wkrótce będzie miała miejsce wizyta ministra Włodzimierza Cimoszewicza i polskich ekspertów ekonomicznych w Afganistanie; chcemy aby między naszymi krajami utrzymywał się bardzo żywy dialog polityczny oraz gospodarczy.
Ustaliliśmy również, że będziemy zwiększać wymianę handlową, inwestycje, współpracę, bowiem Afganistan jest bardzo interesującym i ważnym partnerem w tym regionie świata. To jest kraj o wielkiej tradycji handlowej, myślę, że polskie firmy mogą tam znaleźć miejsce i dla inwestowania i dla prowadzenia swojej działalności. Będziemy starali się dostarczyć polskiemu biznesowi jak najwięcej informacji o możliwościach działania, tym bardziej, że problemem jest właśnie brak takich informacji.
Jesteśmy radzi, że w Polsce studiują młodzi Afgańczycy, będziemy starali się rozwijać tę współpracę, uzgodniliśmy z Panem Prezydentem, że pod naszym patronatem zwiększymy liczbę stypendiów dla dziewcząt i młodzieńców z Afganistanu na polskich uczelniach, ponieważ będzie to i pomocą dla Afganistanu, a jednocześnie to będzie tworzyło rzeczywiście poważną grupę nieformalnych polskich ambasadorów w Afganistanie w przyszłości. Również w naszych rozmowach podjęliśmy kwestie współdziałania tam, gdzie Polska może podzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami, chodzi o transformację gospodarczą, o sprawy prawne, o szkolenia dla urzędników, ekspertów. Mamy za sobą 15 lat udanej transformacji demokratycznej, udanej transformacji na rzecz gospodarki rynkowej i jesteśmy gotowi dzielić się tym doświadczeniem z partnerami z Afganistanu.
Ostatnia kwestia, o której mówiliśmy, to jest nasze wspólne działanie przeciwko terroryzmowi, przeciwko przemytowi narkotyków, produkcji narkotyków. Jesteśmy jako Polska gotowi wspierać wszystkie inicjatywy, które podejmuje Pan Prezydent Karzaj w tej mierze. Jesteśmy przekonani, że musi to być wysiłek wspólny, bardzo solidarny, ponieważ inaczej z tymi plagami nikt na świecie nie jest w stanie sobie poradzić. To jest w największym skrócie wszystko o czym mówiliśmy. Raz jeszcze chcę wyrazić ogromną radość, iż Pan Prezydent Afganistanu jest w Polsce. Jestem przekonany, że otwieramy nowe i bardzo interesujące dla obu naszych krajów, obu naszych narodów możliwości współdziałania".

Zwracając się do zebranych prezydent Afganistanu, Hamid Karzaj, powiedział

"Jest to ogromnie wielki zaszczyt dla mnie i dla mojej delegacji, że mogę odwiedzić tak stary, piękny kraj - Polskę, przybywając na zaproszenie Pana Prezydenta Kwaśniewskiego. Polska nie jest dla nas krajem nieznanym. Afgańczycy znają Polskę bardzo dobrze. Afgańczycy wiedzą, że Polacy są również dumnym, przywiązanym do niepodległości narodem. W latach osiemdziesiątych ubiegłego stulecia nasze dwa narody podjęły walkę na rzecz niepodległości i niezależności. Działo się to równolegle - w Polsce był to ruch Solidarności, w Afganistanie był to ruch oporu przeciwko okupacji sowieckiej. Jak Pan Prezydent był uprzejmy zauważyć, tradycja stosunków Afganistanu z Polską sięga 75 lat, jest to całkiem długi okres, zważywszy na perspektywę relacji między innymi krajami. Polska wysłała swoje oddziały wojskowe na rzecz stabilizacji i wspomagania bezpieczeństwa, a także zwalczania terroryzmu w Afganistanie. Pragnę podkreślić, jak wysoko cenimy sobie służbę jednostek polskich, które działają na rzecz naszego pomyślnego i stabilnego rozwoju.
Wizyta złożona przez Pana Prezydenta w Kabulu była również wyrazem uznania i zainteresowania polskiej opinii publicznej tematyką afgańską. Muszę powiedzieć, że te więzi przyjaźni, które nawiązaliśmy wówczas wzmacniają się teraz, w trakcie mojej wizyty w Warszawie.
Polska pomaga nam również poprzez program stypendialny dla młodzieży afgańskiej. Spotkałem się z tym studentami dzisiaj rano w mojej rezydencji, są to studenci, którzy podjęli studia w obszarze medycyny, dziennikarstwa i nauk politycznych, prawa, matematyki, informatyki i oni będą tą przyszłością Afganistanu, która będzie nam potrzebna. Afganistan jest również krajem bardzo otwartym na biznes, inwestycje i zapraszam do poczynienia inwestycji w naszym kraju. Inwestycji, które będą obustronnie korzystne. Podjęliśmy również walkę z dwoma zagrożeniami współczesnej cywilizacji - walkę z narkotykami i z terroryzmem. Są one powiązane tak, jak Pan Prezydent był uprzejmy zauważyć. Razem ze społecznością międzynarodową postaramy się zwalczyć to zagrożenie. Tutaj musimy również przywiązywać szczególną uwagę do zwalczania produkcji narkotyków, która kwitnie w naszym kraju z tak dużą szkodą dla życia społecznego.
Panie Prezydencie, szczęśliwy jestem, że mogliśmy tutaj przybyć. Wczoraj w dniu przybycia poczułem się tutaj jak w domu i w tej chwili, pomimo, że muszę wyjechać do innego kraju wcale nie mam ochoty opuszczać Polski - tak, że będą Państwo musieli mnie po prostu z Polski wyprosić. Dziękuję bardzo za gościnę, dziękuję za ciepłe słowa powitania".

Po konferencji prasowej prezydent Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu, Hamid Karzaj, wziął udział w ceremonii złożenia wieńca na Grobie Nieznanego Żołnierza.



Minister Spraw Zagranicznych, Pani Anna Fotyga spotkała się z przebywającym z wizytą roboczą w Polsce Ministrem Spraw Zagranicznych Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu, Panem Rangin Dadfar Spanta.
Podczas rozmowy poruszono kwestie dwustronnych stosunków politycznych i gospodarczych oraz działań podejmowanych przez Polskę na rzecz stabilizacji i odbudowy Afganistanu, w tym realizowane przez rząd RP programy pomocy rozwojowej. Pani Minister wskazała, że Afganistan został uznany jako kraj priorytetowy w polskim programie współpracy na rzecz rozwoju.
Pan Minister R. D. Spanta poinformował o bieżącej sytuacji w Afganistanie w zakresie bezpieczeństwa oraz o zagrożeniach dla stabilności kraju wynikających z uprawy i produkcji narkotyków. Pani Minister A. Fotyga poinformowała o decyzji rządu RP w sprawie wzmocnienia polskiej obecności wojskowej w siłach ISAF w Afganistanie.
Pan Minister R. D. Spanta zaprosił Panią Minister A. Fotygę do złożenia wizyty w Afganistanie. Zaproszenie zostało przyjęte.


Lista szefów misji Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

1. Pos. Sardar Gholam Mohammed Khan Sleiman 
(data złożenia listów 24.08.1955r.)

2. Ch. d'aff. Abdul Bagui (data złożenia listów 22.08.1956r.)

3. Pos. Mohamed Arif (data złożenia listów 12.04.1957r.)

4. Pos. Sayed K. Rishtiya (data złożenia listów 12.09.1960r.)

5. Amb. Mir Mohammad Youssof (data złożenia listów 17.08.1961r.)

6. Ch. d'aff. Abdullah Nawabi (data złożenia listów 01.04.1966r.)

7. Amb. Mohammad Akram Parvanta (data złożenia listów 14.10.1966r.)

8. Amb. Mohammed Amin Etemadi (data złożenia listów 15.08.1970r.)

9. Ch. d'aff. a.i. Din Mohammad (data złożenia listów 23.05.1975r.)

10. Amb. Abdul Karim Mustaghni (data złożenia listów 13.05.1976r.)

11. Amb. Mohammad Ayan Ayan (data złożenia listów 24.05.1980r.)

12. Amb. Mohammad Farouq Karmand (data złożenia listów 15.04.1983r.)

13. Amb. Abdul Qader (data złożenia listów 03.11.1986r.)

14. Amb. Nur Ahmad Nura (data złożenia listów 13.04.1988r.)

15. Amb. Khodaidad Basharmal (data złożenia listów 30.08.1990r.)

16. Amb. Azizullah Karzai (Karzi) (data złożenia listów 16.12.1992r.)

17. Ch. d'aff. a.i. Abdul Haider (data złożenia listów 10.09.2000r.)

18. Amb. Abdul H. Haider (data złożenia listów 17.05.2002r.)

19. Amd. Ziauddin Mojadedi (data złożenia listów 05.07.2007r.)

20. Ch. d'aff. a.i. Sayed Ghazanfar Hussainy (data złożenia listów 21.12.2012r.)

Invest in Afghanistan

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Strategic Geographical Position Connecting Central Asia to South Asia, and Leading to Europe 

Trade & Economy: 

·          Free market economy led by private sector initiatives

·          Unprecedented economic growth (GDP growth from USD 2.2 billion in 2002 to USD 21.8 billion in 2014)

·          Utilization of Preferential Trade Agreements and Systems (with India, China, Europe, USA, and etc.)

·          Availability of skilled labor

·           Increased market demand

Tax & Duties 

·          Flexible tax and duty regime 

·          20% corporate tax 

·          0% Duty on import of machineries 

·          1% Duty on import of raw materials 

·          Carry forward of losses (An accounting technique that applies the current year’s net operating losses to future years’ profits in order to reduce tax liability). 

Government Commitment

Strong Government Commitment for Investment Climate Reforms.


·          Airfields 08

·          Trade Ports 09

·          Roads 12371 km

·          Railways 3429 km

·          Industrial Parks 10 constructed and 17 planned

Dispute Resolution 

·          Dispute Resolution Center

·          Business Integrity Initiative (BIN)

Liberal Investment Law 

·          Investment Law

·          Commercial Arbitration Law

·          Law of Commerce

·          Law of Tax on Consumer Goods

·          Business Trademarks Law

·          Contracts Law

·          Agencies Law

·          Mining Law

·          Banking Law

·          Insurance Law

Ownership & Profit 

·          100% foreign ownership

·          Foreigners can lease real estate, for periods up to 90 years for arable land or longer for non-arable land

Agreements & Memberships 

·          Bi-Lateral and Multi-Lateral Trade Agreements (APTTA, ECOTA, SAFTA)

·          Membership of International Road Transport TIR

·          Soon to get WTO membership

·          Your Guide on Investing in Afghanistan (PDF) Download-icon

·          Invest in Afghanistan Campaign (PDF)Download-icon

·          Invest in Afghansitan Presentation (PDF)

For more Information:

Procedure for a Foreign Company Registration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

1. The company must verify its necessary documents at the embassy/consulate of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in the residence country through a letter addressed to the MFA. In the absence of the Afghan Mission, the company must provide an introduction letter from its respective embassy or commercial attaché in Kabul.

2. The above-mentioned letter should contain information about the president, vice president and legal representative and the request regarding opening a new company or a branch in Afghanistan.

3. All submitted documents must be authenticated by the Afghan Embassy/consulate in the respective country or by the company’s consulate /commercial attaché in Kabul and verified by Consulate Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan.

4. The registration form issued by Directorate General for Economic Cooperation of the MFA should be filled out and signed by the president, vice president or legal representative.

5. Brief background information of the company and future plans /activities in Afghanistan should be attached with registration form.

6. All above aforementioned documents should be submitted in two sets (original and copy). Once the procedure is completed the company will be officially introduced (within 24 hours) to the Ministry of Commerce and Industries for the issuance of business license.

Note: For more details or questions please contact the Economic Cooperation Department at +93202100374 



Download Registration Form for a Service CompanyDownload-icon

Download Registration Form for Trading CompanyDownload-icon


Source: Official website, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Tourism in Afghanistan

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•    Toursim in Afghanistan
•    Places of Interest
Toursim in Afghanistan:
Tourism in Afghanistan was at its glorious best in the 1970s. Over 90,000 tourists visited Afghanistan from all over the world to see the unique beauty of the Country and experience the treat of one of the most hospitable group of people. Today, despite decades of war, Kabul remains a fascinating city that embraces both the old and the new. With the ever increasing presence of the international community and the ongoing redevelopment projects, Kabul has been given a touch of modern architecture that gives the city hope of a peaceful and prosperous future.
Afghanistan has a history of more than six thousand years, with many historical sights and attractions, among these are the more than two thousand year old famous Buddha Statues, the tomb of Hazrate Ali (the son in law of Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h and the fourth caliph of Islam) in Mazar-e Sharif, the beautiful city of Balkh (also known as the Mother City of all Cities), the lakes of Band-e Amir, the deep lapis lazuli blue of the waters are a shocking contrast to the plain colours of the surrounding mountains.
Afghanistan has also been of great strategic importance for invading armies, from Genghis Khan to Alexander the Great. All these armies have left astonishing trails behind, trails that have been forgotten due to decades of war but are yet to be discovered. The Government is working to rebuild the war torn infrastructure of Afghanistan, a major project to develop transport links and a nationwide telecommunication link between Kabul and the other provinces has being established.
Furthermore, to assist the Tourism Industry of Afghanistan, the Government strongly encourages and offers its full support to the private sector to invest into the Tourism Industry. With ever increasing global tourism, the Afghan Tourist Industry has tremendous potential to become profitable. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan is willing to support any attempt that will further develop the tourism industry of Afghanistan.
Places of Interest:
Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan since 1776, is a fast growing city where tall modern buildings nuzzle against bustling bazaars, wide avenues are filled with colorful flowing turbans, gaily striped chapans (cloak) and a multitude of handsome faces. The city is ringed with mountains gleaming emerald green in spring and glistening white in winter. In summer, they have an ever changing beauty turning from deep purple to brilliant pink under the rising and setting sun. Two craggy ranges crowned with ancient bastions divide the city and the Kabul River flows through a narrow pass between them to meander through the heart of the city. Travelers have written glowingly of Kabul for centuries and modern visitors continue to be captivated by its charm.
Photo Gallery of Kabul's New face after the fundamentalist regime of Taliban
Major Places of Interest in Kabul
Rising above the plain, the citadel (ca. 6 th C. A.D.) served for centuries as the seat of the rulers of Afghanistan. It witnessed most of the exciting events of the country's history until 1880, when it was destroyed during the Second Anglo-Afghan War.
ARG (Palace)
Amir Abdur Rahman (1880-1901) built this citadel to replace the Bala Hissar palaces. Within the Arg are the Salam Khana (Hall of Salutation) and the Dilkosha Palace (Heart's Delight). Presently, it houses the Presidential Offices and Mohammad Zahir Shah, the former Monarch's Residence.
The ancient walls of Kabul begin at Bala Hissar. They are 7 meters high, 3meters thick and assigned to the Hephthalite period (5 th Century A.D.).
The tomb of Timur Shah, son of Ahmad Shah Durrani, who moved the capital from Kandahar to Kabul, was built in 1817.
A charming landmark of the city is the mausoleum of Amir Abdur Rahman, one of Afghanistan's most dynamic rulers. It stands in Zarnegar Park, in the center of the city as a fine example of 19 th Century architecture remaining in Kabul.
The imposing white-marbled, blue domed mausoleum of Nadir Shah stands on the hill known as Tapa Maranjan overlooking Kabul.
A graceful, many domed palace glimmers on a hill to the north of the city. Built as a summer residence with a huge swimming pool and surrounded by pine trees, it is currently being refurbished as a Foreign Ministry guest house for foreign dignitaries.
Laid out by Babur, the founder of the Moghul Dynasty, in the middle of the 16 th Century, the gardens include a summer pavilion added by Amir Abdur Rahman Khan, a commemorative mosque built by Emperor Shah Jahan and the tomb of Babur himself. Babur died in Agra in 1530 but he so loved these gardens that he asked to be buried here, a wish which was fulfilled by his Afghan wife Bibi Mobaraka.
National Museum:
Located at Darulaman, contains an impressive collection of artifacts illustrating Afghanistan's past from prehistory to modern times.
Kabul's many colorful bazaars attract a large numbers of visitors for shopping and sightseeing. Kocha-e-Murgha (Chicken Street) in Shahr-e-Now is the most famous.
Kabul has many interesting mosque. The most famous ones in the center of the city are:
Masjide Pule Kheshti
Masjide Shahe Du Shamshira
Masjide Sherpur (Blue Mosque)
Masjide ld Gah
Masjide Sayed Majnun Shah.
Kabul Surroundings
Istalif lies to the north of Kabul in the Koh Daman, a valley ringed by barren hills dotted with villages nestled within green orchards. It is one of the largest, most ancient and lovelies of all the valleys. Istalif is famous for its green and blue pottery and its picturesque bazaar. A visit to this place combines beautiful scenery with an introduction to Afghan Village life.
Belonging to the Shamali Plains, the area is famous for over 100 types of grapes.
Kabul Gorge:
Afghanistan is a country if impressive gorges and the Kabul Gorge (Tange Gharu) is it's most spectacular. A large piquet house stands at the top of the gorge from where one can savor this fantastic scenery at leisure. 3 km of switchback road leads down to the foot giving a full experience of its ruggedness.
Guldara Stupa:
An interesting historical site of the 4 th Century standing on a platform having a square base with Corinthian columns; statues once occupied the niches. The walls present a fine example of Kushan workmanship known as diaper masonry. The stupa was originally plastered and painted ochre-yellow with red designs.
Paghman is the most favored summer resort of Kabul. The imposing victory arch, standing in the central square, was built by King Amanullah in commemoration of the War of Independence in 1919. The road passes by the Baghe Umumi (Public Garden) where tea and snacks are served. Returning to Kabul, one may pass by Kargha Lake with the Spozhmay (moonlight) restaurant and the Kabul Golf Course, established by Amir Habibullah Khan in early 1900s.
Ghazni, an important market town, particularly famous for embroidered sheepskin coats, was the dazzling capital of Ghaznavid Empire from 994-1160 encompassing much of northern India, Persia and Central Asia. Many campaigns into India were launched from here resulting in the spread if Islam to the East. This glorious city was razed to the ground by Arab invaders in 869, by the Ghorid Sultan Alauddin in 1151 and by Genghis Khan in 1221.The city did not recover its former grandeur, however, it enjoys a strategic position in the country's economy.
Major Places of Interest in Ghazni:
The Citadel;
One of the most imposing fortresses to be seen in Afghanistan, destroyed during the First Anglo-Afghan War, rebuilt, however, but never to regain its previous splendor.
Palace of Sultan Massoud III:
The very centre of the Ghaznavid Court is a vast complex including a throne room, government offices, soldiers' quarters, a mosque with its minarets and pockets of gardens in addition to the royal apartment.
The Minarets:
The two remaining Minarets in Ghazni, built by Sultan Masoud III (1099-1114) and Bahram Shah (1118-1152), now only a fraction of their original height, served as models for the spectacular tower of Jam (built in 1194) which in turn inspired the Qutob Minar at Delhi. The intricate decoration is in square Kufic and Noskhi script, in addition to panels of floral and geometric designs. The minaret of Sultan Masoud is more elaborate.
Other Interesting sites:
Other places of interest include the Mausoleum of Sultan Mahmud, Museum of Islamic Art, Tapa sardar Stupa and the Tomb of Fateh Khan Barakzai.
Kandahar, the birthplace and first capital of modern Afghanistan, founded by Ahmad Durrani in 1747, today home to less than a million people, is located on the Asia Highway halfway between Kabul and Herat. The area is rich with ancient history. Here, Alexander the Great founded Alexandria of Arachosia and the region was repeatedly fought over for by the Staffavids and Moghuls. It was the independent minded Afghans of Kandahar, first under the leadership of Mirwais Hotaki, its mayor and then of Ahmad Shah Durrani, who hastened the decline of both empires and annexed much of their territories to the young Afghan Kingdom in the 18 th Century.
Major Places of Interest in Kandahar:
Kherqa Sharif:
This shrine containing the cloak of the Prophet Mohammed is the most sacred one in Afghanistan. This relic was brought to Kandahar by Ahmad Shah Durrani.
Chehel Zina:
This interesting monument consists of 40 stairs leading to a chamber carved into a rock. Inside is an inscription stating that it was built by Babur, the founder of the Moghul Empire, and listing the domains of the Emperor.
Other Interesting Sites:
Zor Shar (Old City), Shrine of Haratji Baba, Shrine of Baba Wali, Charsuq (Bazar of 4 arcades).
Mausoleums of Ahmad Shah Durrani and Mir Wais
Lashkargah is the capital of the Helmand Province, built around the Helmand Arghandab Valley Authority which seeks to transform the deserts of the region into fertile fields as green as they were centuries ago before conquerors and anarchy consigned them to their present barrenness.
Ancient Lashkargah Bost, now lies to the south of the modern administrative town. Bost is recognized in the Zoroastian hymns of the AVESTA, in Achaemenid town lists and in 1st Century accounts. These references, however, are vague but there is no doubt that the citadel was taken by Arab conquerors around 661A.D. In the 9 th Century, the city grew to become the second city of the southwest. An Arab traveler in the middle of the 11the century describes the city as: " .one of the principle cities in the province of Seistan, except Zaranj, no city is larger. The inhabitants are polite and generous..It is a city well supplied with provision, fruits and dates." From the 11 th until the middle of the 12 Century, Bost prospered as the winter capital of the Ghaznavids, was burned and looted in 1151 by the Ghorids and then completely demolished by Genghis Khan in 1220.
Today the remains of the great palace of Mosoud still give the visitor an idea of the splendor of the court if what was then the greatest Empire of the East. The most remarkable monument is the magnificently decorated arch which has a span of 80feet.
This history of Herat has been one of repeated destruction and reconstruction. Conqueror after conqueror, from the time of Alexander the Great, has taken it, destroyed it and then rebuilt it. In the 4 th Century B.C. Alexander the Great built the fort which is still standing in the center of the City. From 1040 to 1175 the city was ruled by the Seljuks who defeated the Ghaznavids and destroyed the fortress. Herat was then captured by the Ghorids until the city fell under the control of the Khwarazm Empire. In 1221, Herat was taken by the Mongols and Tuli, the son of Genghis Khan, who ruled for a time, but the citizens revolted and killed the Mongol garrison chief. Extremely angered, Genghis Khan rode upon the city with 80, 000 troops and besieged it for six months, leaving only forty people living. In 1245, Herat was given to the Kart Maliks. Tamerlane destroyed Herat in 1381. However, his son, ShahRukh, rebuilt it and started the cultural renaissance which made it the center of learning and culture. During the Timurid rule, the famous poet of Herat, Jami and the miniaturist, Behzad were born, Queen Gawhar Shad's Musalla was built and Gazergah restored. For the second time in its history, the city flourished. In 1718 the Afghan clan Chief Hotaki, struggled for Herat's independence which continued until 1880, when finally the city became an integral part of Afghanistan.
Photo Gallery of Herat's New face after the fundamentalist regime of Taliban
Major Places of Interest in Herat:
The Citadel:
This fort, originally built by Alexander the Great, suffered repeated attacks over the history, but still dominates the landscape of Herat. Held by the Ghaznavids, the Seljuks, the Ghorids, the Mongols, the Timurids, the Safavids and others, the citadel is a reminder of the times of kings, conquerors and great pageantry.
Masjide Jami:
This great mosque, in the center of the city has been a place of worship since the time of Zoroaster. Rebuilt several times, the mosque now stands in perfect splendor.
The Great Mosque, Herat
The tomb of the famous 11 th Century poet and mystic Khaja Abdullah Ansari was restored by Shah Rukh in 1428. Inside the courtyard lies the tomb of Amir Dost Mohammad Khan.
Gawhar Shad's Mausoleum:
This mausoleum was built for Gawhar Shad, wife of Shah Rukh, youngest son of Tamerlane. The brightly colored, ribbed domes were very popular with the Timurids.
Jami's Tomb:
One of the greatest 15 th Century poets, Mawlana Nuruddin Abdur Rahman Jami, born in 1414, achieved widespread fame during his lifetime. He died in Herat in 1492 and is buried in a grave unadorned, save for a pistachio tree which has sprung from the tomb itself.
The Minarets:
Today, only six of the original twelve minarets remain of Queen Shad's great Musalla complex, built in the late 1400's. It was the Queen's contribution to the Timurid Empire during a period of cultural accomplishments. It consisted of a madrassa or place of learning and a musalla or place of worship. These magnificent buildings flanked by the minarets had been described at one time as the most imposing and eloquent structures to be seen in all Asia.
Herat's Bazzars are full of fascination and color and were once an important trading centre at the caravan route from Europe to China. Today, items of interest to visitors include the famous hand-woven Herati Carpets and the beautiful and rustic blue glass produced by the traditional glass blowers of the city.
The road to Balkh crosses the Hindukush via Salang Pass through the highest tunnel in the world (3363m). A drive over this pass offers, besides scenic beauty, a thrilling experience of high altitude.
En route about 240 km from Kabul (12 km from Pule khumiri) lies Surkh Kotal, site of a great religious temple, founded 130 in A.D. by Knishka the Great, King of the Kushans. It is one of Afghanistan's most important archeological sites, which was finally burned by the Hephthalites, nomadic rivals and ultimate successor to the Kushans. 70 km further north lies Aibak, the capital of the Samangan province. 2 km nearby is an important Buddhist site, dating back to the 4th Century A.D., locally known as Takhte Rustam (Rustam's Throne). Rustam, the hero of Firdausi's great epic, the Shahnama (Book of Kings), written in Ghazni around 1010, married the beautiful daughter of the King of Samangan, Tahma. The stupa cave crowns the hill in front of the monastery which was most probably destroyed by Hephthalites around 460 A.D. 60 km north is Tashkurghan (Khulm) with one of the last traditional Central Asian Covered Bazzars left in Afghanistan. A stroll through this bazaar is special interest. So are the Bala Hissar, the charming palace of Amir Abdur Rahman (Baghe Jahan Numa) and the tomb of Qilich Ali Beg, the most notable ruler of Khulm (1786-1817).
The famous blue mosque. Mazar-e Sharif
Mazar-e Sharif, the capital of Balkh province, is a major trading center famous for Karakul, a great variety of traditional Turkman carpets and high-quality, long-staple cotton. The city is named for the magnificent shrine of Hazarate Ali, cousin and son-in law of Prophet Mohammed, the Fourth Caliph of Islam. Hazarate Ali was assassinated in 661 and buried at Kufa, near Baghdad. Local tradition, however, relates that his followers, fearing enemies may take revenge on the body, placed his remains on a white she-camel which wandered until she fell exhausted. On this spot the body was buried. All knowledge of the final resting place was lost until its existence was revealed and the great Seljuk Sultan Sanjar ordered a shrine built here in 1136. Genghis Khan destroyed this building and again the grave lay unmarked until a second revelation during the reign of the Timurid Sultan Husain Baiqara. He ordered an elaborate shrine constructed in 1481. None of the 15th Century decoration remains but modern restoration has returned the building to its original beauty. Thousands of white pigeons make their home there. Amir Sher Ali Khan lies buried here with other member of Amir Dost Mohammad's family. The largest tomb is that of the Amir's illustrious son, Mohammed Akbar Khan, who played a prominent role during the First Anglo-Afghan War of 1838-1842. 
Mazar-e Sharif is visited by countless pilgrims throughout the year and particularly on Nawroz (21 March) when the great Janda (religious banner) is raised to announce the beginning of spring and the coming of the New Year which is the most elaborately celebrated festival in Afghanistan.
Balkh, today only a small town, is very famous for its glorious past. Zoroaster preached here sometime in 6th Century B.C. Rites at the shrine to Anahita, Goddess of the Oxus, attracted thousands during the 5 th Century and Alexander the Great chose it for his base in the 4 th Century B.C. Under the Kushans, when Buddhism was practiced throughout Afghanistan, many holy temples flourished in Balkh. The Arabs called Balkh Umm-ul Bilad, the 'mother of cities'. By the 9 th Century, during the rule of the Samanid Dynasty, about 40 Friday Mosques stood within the city.
Major Places of Interest in Balkh:
The Madressa (college) of Sayid Subhan Quli Khan.
The ruins of the ancient city including the old city walls.
The Shrine and Mosque of Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa.
The tomb of Rabia Balkhi.
The Masjide No Gumbad (Mosque of the nine Domes)
This exquisitely ornamented mosque, also referred to Haji Piyada, is the earliest Islamic monument yet identified in Afghanistan.
Balkhi is the home of Rabia Balkhi, the first poetess of Islamic period and of Mauwlana Jalaluddin Balkhi (Rumi), perhaps the most distinguished Sufi poet. His Masnawi is considered as the greatest poem collection ever written in the Persian language. Balkh's glorious history closed in 1220 when the mounted men of Genghis Khan rode through and left it utterly devastated. The city, nevertheless, lying on an important trade route recovered under the enlightened rule of Shah Rukh and his Queen Gawhar Shad, of Herat.
Jalalabad lies 150 km east of Kabul, passing Kabul Gorge, Naghlu, Sorobi and Darunta Lakes. The capital of Ningrahar province is an oasis ringed by mountains. Palaces, large gardens and tree-lined avenues speak of its long history as a favored winter capital. Today hundreds of small villas indicate its popularity as a resort town. Among many festivities taking place in this city, the most famous and outstanding are the Mushaira or Poet's festival dedicated to Jalalabad's orange blossoms and Waisak, a religious Hindu festival.
Seraj-ul-Emart, the residence of Amir Habibullah and King Amanullah was destroyed in 1929; the gardens however, retain vestiges of the past and offer a peaceful afternoon's stroll. The Mausoleum of both rulers is enclosed by a garden facing Seraj-ul-Emart.
Jalalabad is a junction and as a result, a favored stopover for travelers to Nuristan and Khyber Pass.
11 km south of the city lies Hadda, one of the most sacred spots of Buddhist world dating from the 2nd to the 7th Century A.D. Countless pilgrims from every corner of the earth come to worship at its many holy temples, maintained by thousand of monks and priests living in large monastery complexes. Even during his lifetime, Buddha visited Hadda.
This important archaeologist site is still under excavation with much of it turned into an open air museum.
Nuristan refers to the area of Laghman and Ningrahar inhabited by approximately 600,000 Nuristanis. The area covers approximately 5,000 square miles with five main and numerous side valleys, each inhabited by a separate tribe speaking its own language, which, in many cases are mutually unintelligible and are grouped under the name Dardic, within the Indo-European language family. There are many physical and cultural differences between the people of Nuristan and those living around them.
The fact that they prefer stools and chairs to a rug on the floor is another obvious difference. Nuristani music is quite distinct, as are their instruments, among which the harp is certainly the most noticeable. Alexander the Great invited the young men to join his army for the Indian campaign. They proved their fighting quality with distinction. Many so-called "Greek" motifs and customs found in the Nuristani culture may well date from this experience.
Throughout the centuries that followed, the people of these mountains successfully defied conquest and conversion even as Buddhism and Hinduism were replaced by Islam on the plains below. The Muslims labeled them Kafirs because they worshipped a wide pantheon of nature spirits and practiced other customs incompatible with the Muslim religion.
In 1895 the army of Amir Abdur Rahman finally succeeded in subduing the Kafirs and converted them to Islam. When his victorious army arrived in Kabul, the Amir announced that henceforth Kafiristan (Land of the infidels) was to be known as Nuristan (Land of light).
A large part of Nuristan is inaccessible to all but those on foot for the trails are so difficult and precipitous, the foot-wide bridges, 30 feet and more above angry frothing waters, are so dizzying that horses simply cannot maneuver them.
Perhaps the most dramatic account of the hazards of traveling in Nuristan is told by the great Tamerlane. To subdue this little pocket of dissidents would be nothing for the World Conqueror. Confidence soon turned to despair as he recounts the hardships the terrain inflicted upon him. At one point he was being lowered down the cliffs in a basket, a maneuver unbefitting his image. Equally distressing was the attempt to lower his horses down in the same manner. All but two were dashed to death against the rocks. Tamerlane ends the account of his Nuristani campaign with a prayer of thanks for his deliverance from the inhospitable Kafiristan.
Almost all Nuristani villages are built on the tops of high peaks, the houses spill the mountainside one on top of the other, the roof of one serving as the front porch and playground of the house above. Children play vigorous games on these roofs, hanging precariously over drops of many hundreds of feet, but rarely, so say their parents, do they plunge into the depths below.
Bamiyan, with its archeological remains, is the most conspicuous tourist site of Afghanistan. The village lies about 2500m above sea level, 240km west of Kabul and attracts thousand of visitors annually. The exquisite beauty of this valley is embraced by the snow capped range of the Kohe Baba mountains in the south and in the north by the steep cliffs in which massive images of Buddha are carved. The pastel colors of its surroundings give visitors an impression of the magnificence and serenity of nature.
The area of Bamiyan developed under Kanishka the Great to become a major commercial and religious center and the smaller statue of Buddha (38m high) was built during his reign. Two centuries later the colossal Buddha statue (55mhigh) was carved. Thousands of ornamented caves, inhabited by yellow robed monks, extended into Folladi and Kakrak valleys where a smaller statue of Buddha (6.5m) stands. Pilgrims from the entire Buddhist world pour into Bamiyan to admire its spectacular and sacred sites. Bamiyan fell to the Islamic conquerors in the 9th Century.
Statue of Buddha - Before
After it was destroyed by Taliban Extremists in March 2001
Major Places of Interest in Bamyan:
Bamiyan was destroyed by Genghis Khan in 1221 to revenge the death of his grandson Mutugen. The ruins of the citadel, called 'city of noise', still give evidence of its magnitude before the Mongol devastation.
This mass of ruins was once a principle fortress, protecting the entrance to the city of Bamiyan during the reign of the Shansabani Kings in the 12th and 13th Centuries. It also was a victim of Genghis Khan's vengeance.
This beautiful valley, embraced by picturesque mountains of fascinating formations and glooming ever changing colors, with a clear sparkling stream, full of trout, leads into a breathtaking chasm and is an unforgettable site for every visitor.
Band Amir
Visitors to Afghanistan have marveled at the country's natural beauty. The formidable Hindu Kush, the vast Turkestan plains, and the seclusion of the southern deserts have impressed travelers from Alexander the Great to Marco Polo. It is the unspoiled natural beauty that forms the visitor's first and most enduring impression of the country. But of all the natural wonders of Afghanistan, the lakes of Bande Amir are perhaps the most out-standing. Situated in the mountainous Hazarajat at an altitude of approx.3000m, 75km from Bamiyan, these majestic blue lakes are of legendary beauty.
MINARET OF JAM (Central Route)
Minaret of Jam
The Central route from Kabul to Herat is undoubtedly a fascinating experience but should only be undertaken by adventurous or pioneering travelers. Passing the first highlights, Bamiyan and Bande Amir, this route leads via Panjaw to Cheghcharan, the capital of the Ghor province. The road continues via Sharak towards north, where in a lonely, remote valley, closely surrounded on all sides by towering barren mountains stands the 65m high Minaret of Jam, at the southern bank of the Hari Rod River. Only the Qutob Minar in Delhi, built by Qutbundin after conquering India, is higher. It is the only well preserved architectural monument from the Ghorid period. En route to Herat, the Ghorid tombs of Cheste Sharif and the hot mineral springs of Obay are favored stopovers.
Minaret of Jam 
Most road building occurred in the 1960's, funded by the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. In 1964, a road and tunnel was built through the Salang tunnel, connecting northern and southern Afghanistan. A highway connecting the principal cities of Heart, Kandahar, Ghazni, and Kabul with links to highways in neighbouring Pakistan formed the primary road system.
Sine 2001, many sections of Afghanistan's highway and regional road system are undergoing significant reconstruction. The U.S. (with assistance from Japan) completed a highway linking Kabul to the southern regional capital, Kandahar. Construction is soon to begin on the next phase of highway reconstruction between Kandahar and the western city of Herat. The Asian Development Bank has nearly completed a road reconstruction project between Kandahar and Spin Boldak, located at the southeastern border with Pakistan.
Afghanistan's national airline, Ariana, operates domestic and international routes, including flights to New Delhi, Islamabad, Dubai, Moscow, Istanbul, Tehran, and Frankfurt. A private carrier, Kam Air, commenced domestic operations in November 2003.
Ariana Afghan Airlines is the country's national carrier and flies to many of the major cities in Asia and Europe. For information on domestic flights, check with Ariana overseas and local offices or see the website:
Private Airline called KAMAIR in Afghanistan provides domestic and international flight schedules, online booking, fleet information, baggage and offices abroad.
Afghan Airports:
Although conventional categories cannot be assigned to hotels outside Kabul, the larger cities generally offer acceptable lodging. Kabul has hotels ranging from the upscale Inter-Continental to various good first class hotels such as the Mustafa Hotel, and inexpensive but low standard lodging located throughout the city. The Hyatt is in the process of constructing a 5 STAR hotel in Kabul.
1: Serena Hotel
 The Kabul Serena Hotel, conveniently located in the centre of Kabul city overlooking the famous Zarnegar Park, is situated close to all the Embassies and Ministries, and is just 20 minutes from the airport. Built in 1945, amid landscaped gardens, the hotel has undergone a complete refurbishment, through the rehabilitation of the existing building and the addition of a completely new section. The hotel dominates a busy junction and is situated in the city’s commercial centre.
2 : Mustafa Hotel
 Rooms start from $20-100 a night.
Provides 24 hour security, off street parking.
Provides Kabul's famous Kebab night every Thursday.
[mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: + 93 (0) 70276021
Other Services:
Fed Ex Express
Afghan' Express Ltd.' (License of Federal Express Corporation)
Kart 3, Khai Street, House # 326, North of Ministry of Commerce, Kabul, Afghanistan
Mobile: + 93 (0) 70286 028/9, Tel: (020) 2500525
Fax: (020) 2500524
[mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
The Oasis Salon - Kabul's First Full Service Salon
. Cutting, Colour, Highlights, Foils, Perms, Styles
. Manicure, Pedicure, Facial, Massage, Waxing, Threading and Permanent Makeup
. All hairdressers are western trained
. Operating in accordance with western hygiene standards
. Visa & Master card accepted
Open Sat - Wed 12:30 - 9:00 pm, Thurs & Fri 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
For appointments contact Debbie at: [ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] or + 93 (0)79 217 669
Major hotel's such as the Inter-Continental and Mustafa hotel, as well as numerous internet cafes around Kabul offer internet connection.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones, inter-changeable SIM Cards and calling cards can be purchased all over Kabul. Afghan Wireless and Suraya vendors can be spotted throughout the city. Three major mobile companies, Afghan Wireless, Areeba and Roshan are active.
Link - Afghan Wireless:
Link - Roshan:
Link - Areeba:
International and Afghan dishes are readily available in many of Kabul's modern restaurants.
Afghanistan is essentially known for its variety of palaws (rice cooked with meat, chicken, or vegetables in various ways), which are found throughout the country. Afghan Kabob (charbroiled skewered meat), Bolani and Ashak (Afghan-style ravioli stuffed with leeks topped with yogurt and cooked ground beef) are a few of the many tasty dishes.
 International Restaurants:
Vila Velebita
Named after a Croatian national song, the Vila Velebita in Wazir Akbar Khan is the latest on Kabul's growing list of restaurants. The Velebita offers seafood, steaks, wood fired oven pizzas ($5-8) and more, with all ingredients flown in from Germany and Italy. It is the pricier league of Kabul international restaurants.
. Offers Steaks, seafood, pizzas and more
Open 12 / 3 pm and 6 / 11 pm - Wazir Akbar Khan, Street 10, just before the Standard Chartered Bank / Tel + 93 (0) 79 16 0368
. Multi Cuisine Restaurant serving authentic Indian-Chinese Thai food
. Warm Environment with Rustic Decor
. Bakery and Confectionary Outdoor Catering
. Lunch from 11-3, Dinner from 7-11
Central location: Behind UNICA Guesthouse, opposite of Dutch Embassy
Contact: + 93 (0) 79 317 745
[mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sufi is an Afghan Restaurant managed by a foreigner and provides anything but your standard lunchtime fare. As soon as you enter the candle lit room you feel as though you've just entered the land and time of Ali Baba. All the plates, glasses and interior furnishing are Afghan and the room is filled with brightly colored carpets and cushions. There are also tables and chairs for those who prefer not to sit on the floor and cutler is also provided.
. Mantoo and Ashak $ 5
. Qabuli Pilau $ 9
. A number of Kebabs $ 9 - $ 11
. Kofte Chalau, mince, plums and saffron served on basmati rice $ 9
Address: Cinema Aryub, Bagh-e-Bala, Karte Parwan (Located at the foot of the Intercontinental Hotel hill in Karte Parwan)
Telephone: + 93 (0) 70 21 0651
[mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
(Open every evening except Sundays, with special events on Wednesday evenings)
Mediterraneo Club
. European restaurant, espresso cafe'
. Leafy courtyard dining, pool table, big screen TV
Address: From the city centre, take the road of the former British Embassy, turn left opposite to the new mosque and then take the 3rd on the right. Mediterraneo Club is at the end of the road
Telephone: + 93 (0) 79 44 77 33
Open 10am till late, 7 days
Elbow Room Restaurant
. International Cuisine
. Outdoor seating & dining
. New Lunch menu
Open everyday, dinner 6:30 - 11pm, Lunch 11am - 3pm
Telephone: + 079 352 538, + 070 254 432
Flower Street Café
. Serving Kabul's best cappuccino, latte, and fresh juices, with gourmet sandwiches, salads and munchies
. Indoor and garden seating available or take away
. Open daily 8 am to 7pm
. Brunch - Fridays & Saturdays - served 9am to 2pm
Address: Located at House # 57, Street 7, Qalai Fatullah
(between Taimanee and Qalai Fatullah roads)
Tel: + 93 (0) 70.29.3124 or + 93 (0) 79.35.6319
[mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
 In addition, there are other wonderful Iranian, Chinese, Thani and Afghan ethnic cuisine restaurants.
Handicrafts and Shopping
Afghanistan offers the visitor a rich selection of handicrafts such as luxurious Afghan carpets, karakul coats as well as Afghan fur overcoats and jackets. Embroidered material, caps, and waist-coats, hand-woven silk fabrics and antiques are some of the items that tempt the traveller. Exportation of antiques requires authorization from appropriate authorities. Purchase of artifacts belonging to the Kabul museum or heritage of Afghanistan is punishable by law and will be confiscated.
Thirteen private and international Banks have received their licenses from the Central Bank in the past three years. The National Bank, Pashtani Tejarati, Standard Chartered, Pakistan National Bank and Aryan Bank are among these private banks in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan International Bank
Arian Bank
Azizi Bank
Alfalah Bank Ltd
Export Promotion Bank
The First MicroFinance Bank
Habib Bank of Pakistan
Kabul Bank
National Bank of Pakistan
Pashtany Tejaraty Bank
Punjab National Bank - India
Standard Chartered Bank
For further information please go to website of Afghanistan Banks Association
* The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
Source: Official website, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan